Three incredibly powerful questions

Once, one of my clients called me ‘fiercely kind’…  and it is SUCH a good phrase for the work that we do.

Within this article are three powerful questions - and they will free you, if you let them.

Each one has a sub-question, which is where the magic lies.

Are you ready? 

I will preface by saying that part of the work to do better in any area of life involves taking responsibility.

Taking responsibility for, and owning, our shit does NOT involve shame.

Being able to be fully honest with ourselves WITHOUT shame and acknowledging where we can deepen our understanding of how to show up better, is a huge factor in overcoming most obstacles.

This is not about responsibility for work or life TASKS, but for our own thoughts, actions, energy and the consequences of these.

And when we do that? We get infinitely better results - in ALL aspects of our lives.

It is not about saying: “I’m such a terrible person because I did/do x y z” 

But it IS saying: “I recognise that these behaviours and patterns don’t serve me and possibly cause harm to me and others. I wonder what I can work on here, and what has stopped me doing this work so far.”

THAT is a compassionate approach. 

It’s not always comfortable, but progress hardly ever is.

We all fall short. We’re human.

It is neither abdicating responsibility, nor shaming ourselves for areas where we have fallen short. 

Once we can do this, we stop being victims and can see how much IS within our control. 

This work NEVER involves shame. Honesty and integrity does not = shame. 

It means to have a thorough, honest and compassionate look at our lives and the results we are creating.

The questions are: 

1) how might I be contributing to the very drama that I am immersed in or seeking to escape from? 

Sub question: What draws me into this drama?

2) where might I not be meeting the standards that I expect from others? 

Sub question: What is REALLY stopping me from doing so? 

3) how could I be a more kind, authentic and powerful version of myself without wielding power and control over others?

Sub question: what am I afraid of losing if I do this? 

We ALL know that sometimes we could represent ourselves better and create better results. 

It's time to be fiercely kind to yourself.

Answer these questions and see what comes up. 

That will show you the start of the way forwards…

From there, better results and - more importantly - freedom, awaits 💫

Your future self will thank you for it. 

Charlotte Fowles