Success tip: how to improve your communications for maximum impact

“So, how many of your conversations do you prepare for?” ❓❓❓

“Depends on how important the outcome is” 🤔


This was an exchange between myself and a client a while ago – when they asked me this question 💡


Some might say it is impossible to prepare for every single conversation that you might have in a day. I will say that if the outcome or the person is important to you, it is worth some effort to consider how they might receive what you have to say or ask.


This will, 100%, have a positive impact on the interaction.


💡 Firstly, remember that whilst we judge ourselves on our INTENTION, others judge us on our IMPACT.


Preparing doesn’t have to take long. Start with your OUTCOME and consider these questions:


❓ What is the outcome that you ideally want?

❓ What do you want them to THINK, FEEL or DO as a result of the conversation?

❓ How will you communicate in a way that bears in mind the IMPACT of your words and not just what you’re saying?

❓ How do they like to process information?

❓ What might they need to know?

❓ When would be a good time for you both/all to discuss?

❓ What might their agenda be?

❓ What might be some objections and how could you best talk these through?

❓ What are your own blind spots that you might need to watch?

❓ What might trigger you into a reaction that would be unhelpful?


And the more you consciously consider these things, the more they’ll come naturally to you.


After many years in strategic communications, I’ll leave you with the number one rule: KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE 👥


And if that final piece is the only prep you do, you’ll be good 👍🏻


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